Off Grid Warrior

The Mission

I am working towards creating a small homestead from scratch. Living off the grid and being as self sufficient as possible is the end goal.

All sorts of shenanigans take place here. If you are interested in living like a free man with less (literally)… you’re in the place. Join me.

"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." - Albert Camus

Latest posts

snow camping with doggo

Snow camping with doggo – Who needs a tent

In this video, Doggo and I hit the trail for our first “warm-up cruise” of the snow camping season. Over the years I have learned the importance of making sure all gear and systems are dialed in and functioning properly before diving into more adventurous outings. Snow camping, especially in remote areas can be incredibly...


Off Grid Living – Chickens Quails Coops and burning the midnight oil

The joys of off grid living and keeping chickens & quails. Unfortunately coops don’t clean themselves so that leaves me… and Ranger. Also I demonstrate how nice it is to live in the boonies in the dark despite the wolves. “The darker the night, the brighter the stars.” – Fyodor Dostoevsky

snowmobile test

Off Grid Living – I am the pack mule

It’s official… winter is here, and the snow has arrived! In this episode, I dive into the season by shoveling snow, firing up my new (used) snowmobile for its maiden ride, tackling some chicken coop maintenance and embracing my inner human pack mule.

snow arrives at the off grid cabin

Off Grid Living -Goodbye water hello snow season

Winter prep mode is in full swing, and the to do list just keeps growing! As the snow season rolls in, my greenhouse has officially become the go-to storage spot for anything that needs to stay dry. Meanwhile I’ve said goodbye to running water on tap (for now) and I also do some brainstorming on...