The Mission
I am working towards creating a small homestead from scratch. Living off the grid and being as self sufficient as possible is the end goal.
All sorts of shenanigans take place here. If you are interested in living like a free man with less (literally)… you’re in the place. Join me.
"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." - Albert Camus
Latest posts
Off Grid Living -Goodbye water hello snow season
Winter prep mode is in full swing, and the to do list just keeps growing! As the snow season rolls in, my greenhouse has officially become the go-to storage spot for anything that needs to stay dry. Meanwhile I’ve said goodbye to running water on tap (for now) and I also do some brainstorming on...
Off Grid Living – Snow season cabin preps
It’s that time of year again and getting all my ducks in a row before the snow season hits is absolutely essential. Hauling and splitting firewood is still in full swing but I’m almost there… just a little more to go. In this video, I’m also tackling a new project: building a sturdy ladder to safely access...
Off Grid Living – Prepping for snow season & Chores galore.
Well, folks, it’s that time of year again snow season is just around the corner and the dropping temperatures mean it’s all hands on deck to prepare for the Winter ahead. These days my time is spent hauling, cutting, and splitting wood, cleaning up around the cabin and scrambling to wrap up those must-finish projects I’ve been...
Off grid living – End of winter and dead snowmobiles
Well, it’s official Winter is finally over! It’s been quite the season: chimney fires, vehicle breakdowns, and even a snowmobile casualty. But compared to last year this Winter was a bit more comfortable. A little more space a few extra creature comforts and a lot of lessons learned. Now that spring is here, it’s time...